all men pease take this advise! i thought you all knew the golden rule! NEVER COMMENT ON A WOMENS WEIGHT!!you could end up giving her a complex!

im reasonalble comfortable with my body and yet i still feel a bit concious and insecure when clients comment on my weight." its great to see a girl whos not afraid to eat" or " your lovely and curvy its great that you dont feel any pressure to be skinny" these comments make me feel like "oh god, am i fat?" even tho i know im not, its completelyillogical but its the way womens minds work!

Dont say a thing to her believe me, coming from a man it will be extremly upsetting for her.Even if you say something and she does something about it and loses the weight she will always remember that you thought she was overweight and be concious of the fact!!

she is going thr a divorce the last thing she needs is to be told she is fat!!