Quote Originally Posted by robijntje View Post
Something of worth to you... Make sure it's not a human being.

In today's society, money and self-importance are they key values to continue on. Humans will always look after themselves first, before addressing any other being. As long as you have money, you will be helped, with a fake smile, fake words and someone who listens to you... as long as you pay. Once you're out of money, out of time or simply a person in need that cannot supply money, people try to get rid of you as soon as possible. They don't say it, but you can hear it, feel it, but it is hard to understand.

Should we blame them then? I don't know if you can blame anyone, but as it seems, if you have a problem, the general message is: 'Go solve it on your own, come back if you have money.'

Sad but true story.
i hope this is not going to turn into a health services bashing thread.there are a lot of us working our nuts off.as usual the bad
experenices make good headlines. the doc;