Cost of escort cheaper than a divorce.

This is a thread I have done in the past on other boards. But its always a good reminder to bring up this topic now and again.

Ok I am mature escort and will of course think a little different to some of the 20yr olds. Lets call it wisdom that comes from living a full life or just being older.No offence to younger escorts intended here.

Isnt it much wiser to pay out a couple of hundred euros for an escort than have an affair. Affairs create many problems and often those having one get found out.

If a marriage is good but you feel you are not getting the kind of sex you want,then it is a wise man who will go with an escort.

I have met many men who deeply love their wife. But in the sex department they want more.If both the man and wife want other partners then they could try swinging. But not everyone wishes to do this.

Sex is sex and love is love. I honestly belive we were never made to stick with just one partner. How can one person attend to all the needs of the other.We cannot. In an ideal world we would have half a dozen partners each.
But to the average person that would be impossible just on cost alone.

Why spoil a happy home and distroy the life of children by risking it all with an affair.
In my humble opinion I honestly belive guys who use escorts are wise.

Samantha x