Quote Originally Posted by nicegirlsarenice View Post
To show the people who follow radical Islam and Sharia Law how much contempt we have for it. We can't support that kind of brutality and cruelty.

Also, the fact that in this PC world it's become so "uncool" to do things like this or say anything bad about Islam. The fact that clown Obama and clown Hillary Clinton say that it "will put US troops' lives at risk" shows just how warped they are. You can't give in to fear like that, that is like appeasing the terrorists and they don't even seem to realise there's anything wrong with saying that. How a person like that could be in a position of power in this world is beyond me.

If I say I hate Islam and stick my finger up to it, then it's not my fault if I'm shot dead by a Jihadi terrorist and it's not my fault if other people are either. It's the fault of the person who shot them. You can't give in to threats like that. If they want to argue about tolerating religions that's ine, but not this "putting troops life in risk" nonsense.
You're missing the point. It's not about giving in to threats, it's about provication..........

If you're out for a walk in a field and you spot a bull in the field but you don't want to be intimidated by the bull you're hardly going to go over and kick him in the nuts just to prove you're not afraid of him are you???

(No beastality jokes please)

Quote Originally Posted by nicegirlsarenice View Post
The fact that clown Obama and clown Hillary Clinton say that it "will put US troops' lives at risk" shows just how warped they are.

but not this "putting troops life in risk" nonsense.
It's called retaliation..........

You wouldn't be so quick to say that if you'd ever been down there where the metal meets the meat.......