Quote Originally Posted by Mousey View Post
Christianity is waaaaay too fractured into different faiths to compare it as a whole to anything. Ever hear of the Westboro Baptist Church? According to their interpretation of the Bible, they're right too

Jesus ("Isa" in Arabic) is the second most important prophet in Islam. The Qu'ran says that he was the child of a virgin birth to Mary (Maryam) by the will of Allah, and so is probably the only person in the Muslim world to have a female lineage in his name (Isa ibn Maryam). But the Qu'ran specifically states that Jesus was not the Son of God - the Tawhid, or the Oneness of Allah, says that Allah would never "lower" himself to take on human form, much less "split" his power into a Trinity. According to Islam, Jesus did not die on the cross (the quote is "...but it was made appear to them as so..."), but was taken up body and soul by Allah into heaven, where he waits to come back to fight the Dajjal (like an Anti-Christ) and lead the human race in a period of peace and prosperity, after which, he will die a mortal death.

Muslims believe that Jesus was permitted by Allah to perform miracles to aid his ministry to the Jewish people, but that the Gospel has been warped and misinterpreted by men, and that the other Peoples of the Book (Jews and Christians) are incorrect in their own religions.

I wrote a paper on the spread of Islam in the west in college, fnar fnar I also want to say more about the notion of Jihad, but I'll wait to see if there's any more interest in this thread.
1 Many Christian writers felt teh same way before comming to agreement on the Trinity. They only came up with the idea to counter claims of who Jesus was. Was he divine or human. They had to make him divine to resemble God but keep him human or his paschal mystery would not save mankind

2 Some Christian writers thought this too, Have a look at Johns and Marks Gospels accounts of the rolling away of the stone on the tomb. One says his spirt was there the other claims he was brought to heaven both body and soul

I alos have studied Theology