Similar thing happened with me a few months ago. I was in Dublin city early one morning about 6 months ago using the 24 hour internet cafe on Talbot Street, it was about 06.30 or 7am in the morning, and there was a guy sitting about 2 seats away from me at the other computer looking around for escorts and ringing a few of them, and he seemed to get pissed off because the one's he was ringing didn't seem to have their phone's turned on at that time of the morning (which begs the question does any escort do 24 hour work? lol)
There is also a guy in Navan who uses the internet cafe in Chartbusters video shop and always checks out this site, always looks over his shoulder every few seconds aswell, LOL, small fella in late 50's with a stick. Goes to show we have alot of followers on this site!