Quote Originally Posted by BootSlick55 View Post
Michel Faber? I read his collection of short-stories The Fahrenheit Twins. Is the prostitute one fiction or non-fiction?

(The short-story collection was rather good, if I recall correctly)

Other crime-writers - Elmore Leonard (Get Shorty) if US pulp-fiction is your thing (or James Ellroy if pulp-pulp-pulp-fiction is your thing), or our own Ken Bruen (novels set in Galway from a Galway resident). John Banville also writes crime under the name Benjamin Black. Or you could go back to the beginning and check out Agatha Christie or Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes). P.D. James is also good.
The farenhiet twins were interesting. But if you wanted to read some real Faber, see, The Apple, Under The Skin, The Hundred and Ninety Nine Steps (set in my birthplace) and Courage Consort. Michel Faber is a Dickens fan, his work on prostitution in the eighteenth century, while fictional, stays very close to fact.

Controversial question re Steig Larsson. His wife reckons she was writing them all along, what do you think?