Quote Originally Posted by JAMESCORK View Post
The reputation bar system is a well thought out method of awarding those with wit, intelligence and general valuable contribution to the EI forum. Each member is eligible to acquire points based on the commendation of his or her peers in return for some rhetorical or humorous posts. It is held in high regard by staff moderators and members alike. To abuse this system goes against the ethos of this forum, a forum that we as members regard as our freedom of speech. But to be coerced and beguiled by another member into such abuse is despicable and frankly unforgiveable.

I am deeply saddened that such a member should express such resentment and jealousy at the well earned achievements of another. Especially that this member was, before now, not only a respected contributor but also a well loved member of the Escorting community. It only highlights the desperation and greed of some individuals and demonstrates the depths at which they will go to achieve their goals. To cheat is the lowest form of integrity and shows an underlying flaw of character.

All participants in this heinous display are equally at fault. I have collected names of all that took part and have prepared a case for staff to consider. I expect infractions for all are immanent and I act with no remorse or regret. I have been humiliated by colleagues I had held in high regard and had considered friends. I will never forget this act of deceit for as long as I live.

I have PMed the highest level here in an attempt to have this turned around and am disappointed at the unwarranted and unreasonable response of ‘get over it, you Langer’. Pat I expected more support from you and your staff. Lucy has gained her reputation points, but has lost a friend in doing so. I feel now no choice but to do a Westie and pretend to desist from posting here for good.

I am highly disappointed in you lads and lassies

heres some points for you too james