Quote Originally Posted by jacksparrow2010 View Post
I understand james you feel the girl you met wasnt like the girl in the pics and prob wrote the review with the disapointment in mind... and perhaps she should inform guys of the fact pics are air brushed and that she is bigger than pics lead you to believe..

but my main point is guys should think before writing reviews... some ladies might not care less what a guy writes but I know for sure some take it to heart and are hurt by bad comments... I saw this first hand... and it wasnt nice to see how a bad review can make a ladie so down...

so everyone should think about what you write in reviews... even if its a bad review it dosent have to be nasty or to personal...
thats just my view...

Captain J...

Fair comment. And you are right, I was quite dissapointed. But I thought I had kept my level of disappointment somewhat at bay for a punt that was actually one of my worst ever. If girls are to minimise hurtfull comments and bad reviews they should take more care when putting together their profiles. I probably like most punters still get that excited feeling prior to a visit. It is also not fair on the punter when he is let down. I'm sorry but I cannot stand by and let a girl advertise a 24" waist when this is not remotely the case.