Quote Originally Posted by Sensual Delights View Post
It depends. I am involved seriously with someone and I only offer limited escort services (it suits many clients with own commitments). This wasn't the reason I gave up escorting but thinking in perspective, I think I also felt guilty of working as an escort while a nice guy is totally committed to me.

I don't want to get married, not for a long while anyway but I think if I do get married, the probability of me working as an escort is close to zero. I will not tolerate any guy to forbid me to continue my work, I will take this decision all on my own.

Thinking about it ... maybe that's why I don't want to get married? Saying goodbye to a life style that I'm accustomed with might be a harder then I though? Same as Lucy here, I do love my shopping and restaurants. And the biggest pity ever is that I never fall for a rich guy, trust me I tried
This is the key answer to the initial post in my view.

Human nature is interesting, no matter how cool, chilled, or not jealous anyone (male OR female) is, in order for the non participating party to continue to be "cool", the participating party needs to moderate their behaviour. Think of it like this, say you are a man or woman and your significant other attracts a lot of attention.... unless you recognise that you need to moderate your behaviour to show love/respect to your partner (maybe just cutting someone off to go and speak to your partner) then it just won't work. In an escort client situation, it is similar.... the escort needs to show that their lover is more important to them than any client. Therefore, the example of only offering limited services is the best example of that. The only other alternative is where the lover provides financially to an extent that the escort doesn't miss the financial reward...

It is just human nature..........