Jesus now there is a question,

If I was a woman for a day, Wake up at 7 and flick me bean maybe a little vibro fun too. Take a shower, shave me legs dry off stand in front of the mirror and moan I'm fat even though I'm a size 8 decide on what to wear for the day thinking if I wear these shoes they will kill me but they do match the bag I intend using so I'll deal with the pain!!

In the meantime I've already loaded the dishwasher and sorted the laundry all while applying make-up remember I'm a woman I get shit done and done efficiently as multitasking is just something men don't get!!!!!

All this done and it's not even 8AM still time for a sensible breakfast bowl of special K and skimmed milk one banana and a yoghurt followed by cup of coffee using splenda off course because real sugar is 2 weight watchers points, and I'm saving all those points for wine with the girlie's later.

Of to work check weather forecast sunny cool but then am I wearing the right clothes I mean I think this top is a little too low cut for no coat and I'm sick of the men trying to look down my tits on the bus. Ah I'll just go with it.

Arrive at work and get a cringing good morning from the office leech who can only ever talk to my breasts !!!!!Cringe!!!!

At last something to look forward to diet coke guy is due in he's a dream boat would love to just rip his clothes off and ravage him in the stationery cupboard, but I know he wont call afterwards, oh but to live in the moment, hmmmmm

Lunch time meeting Jasmin, Lucy and Anna they are so fun this will be a laugh. I hope Lucy brings her new chanel bag I'm dying to see it. it better not be the same as mine I'll go mad (but of course I'll tell her its lovely).

5pm Days work done and meeting thee girlie's in Ron Blacks for a bottle of plonk and a catch up. oh crap did I set the skybox to record emmerdale and corrie ah well I will watch the omnibus on Sunday anyway.

9pm and five bottles of wine later had a great time with girlie's now home time to update facebook and twitter about day I just had.

Off to bed slightly tipsy but remember to take off make-up I don't want panda eyes in the morning.

No thanks I'm happy being a bloke wake up, morning wood sort it out, go to work log onto EI and oggle all the beautiful women dreaming of the things you would like to do with them. Head home few beers potter around because there is still two weeks till premier season starts back and i just dont know what to be doing. tommy tank and then bed.