Quote Originally Posted by anon361 View Post
But his original point is the guy left 2 reviews, even if the second review is removed which is what he is against the review count or the reviewers' profile should still say 2 because he is not a one time reviewer and he would be taken more seriously by him and others..

BTW, Why is bigladdub ignoring all my posts and only picking the ones he feels he can get confrontational on and get a dig in at QPH, I'm not feeling the love from this guy
If the total review tally showed when older review was deleted then that would screw up the review leader board as some people review same escort 3, 4 sometimes 5 times. If people glance and see 1 review logged and do not read the review and not see it said that its his second review and dismiss them as a 1 review wonder there is not a lot we can do about that. The one review system was set up to address a separate issue and this is one side effect of that. People should perhaps not dismiss people with one review until they read the review, its only an extra click after all.

Surly ye are not all so knackered from riding you can't muster the strength for one more click?