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Thread: Idiots

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by aml View Post
    It was uploaded a few days after the events in donegal,have they no shame.....
    not even about shame ..a bit of respect for the grieving familys is all,i mean ffs kids will be kids thats fine but what type of utter morons are these? imagine the donegal families trying to come to terms with what happened only to witness this type of behaviour it might have been a small(very small)crumb of comfort to hope lessons would be learned from that awful crash..these morons should have a 5-10 year driving ban and if possiable include the fools with there feet and bodys out of the cars.

  2. #12


    i concur. i dont give 2 shits about them injuring themselves, but its the poor bugger they run into that i feel sorry for.
    I'm a well hung chap, hung like a bastard says i.

  3. Default

    Hi All,

    I totally agree with all that has been said, however this will not stop, even this morning I was returning home, there is a particularly patch of roadway that has a few semi hairpin bends, a souped up car with two morons ( small little fellows with
    the regulation baseball caps) driving with one hand and the other out the window ( in that "look at me I am cool " way ), well they were driving so close behind me waiting for an opportunity to pass I could have given them a dental examination.

    They continued like this until they got what they thought was a chance to pass, they did and barely got in front of me as there was a tour bus coming......................................... strange thing was as I arrived at the next roundabout they were only just in
    front of me, they will never learn .

    Good Girls go to Heaven......................... Bad Girls go Everywhere

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    I'd seen this clip the other night when it came on the news.

    Bunch of young jackasses, plain and simple. At least the Gardai seized 2 of the cars (as they mentioned at the end of the clip), and a few have been questioned over it. No way for them to learn short of taking their cars and driving privileges away from them (hopefully for as long as possible), or worst case scenario, for them to kill other people and harm themselves like in those extremely graphic Road Safety Authority ads. If only they could get no one but themselves and no innocent people killed or seriously injured out there on the roads, I'd tell all those little fake 'stunt drivers' out there to floor it right over the side of the Cliffs of Moher into the sea and be done with them.
    Last edited by Cable87; 22-07-10 at 15:21.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Just wankers, as somebody said you couldn't give a toss about them but they are more likely to do damage to other people.

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