Quote Originally Posted by ber View Post
Ah now Benny dont lose the run of ureself, tisnt a charitable,volountary organisation there are large profits
extracted here,its in the intrest of the buisness to have the place in a monopoly situation.
Do u really think the main aim of this place is that Benin can meet nice girls and have a good time
My dear boy tis all about the money and dont ever think tis anything else
And if u can get people to work for free thats a great buisness model
And as for how would u have met those girls if this place wasnt here they
would be advertised elsewhere. Do u think if E-I shut in the morning we would
have no access to escorts,think again tis the oldest profession in the world
and will continue to flourish
True Ber, there was always a means of contacting the ladies. But I suppose never before was so much money made from it