Quote Originally Posted by RoversDeputy View Post
A Message from Rover:

That is not strictly true, I am surprised at you Qph, I always held you in high regard. Although you're the right man for the job, because you'd put the boot in on your granny, if she didn't tow the line.

The written undertaking you're referring to was in fact that I "Would Not Post Anymore Beastiality Pictures" ie Dogs shagging woman cartoons ect. So it would be helpful if you would get your facts right. Why don't you post the letter on the forum, without doctoring it. I get the impression that you're more than eager to instigate a lynch mob.

Goodbye old "Friend" you can troll me out of it now.

You'd better get back to your boss now and she will tell you whether or not to lower the axe. (Although I'd love her to lower the axe, makes me feel kind of horny).

PS. Benin, thank you for your kind remarks, as the bars under your name suggest, like Anon and Westcorklad and a few others, you're a nice guy.
your a nice guy aswell rover so get back next week and we can carry on acting the clowns with silly...but legal pictures...see you soon mate