Quote Originally Posted by Doozer View Post
I know we saw Paranormal activity and it just kind of creeped her out.
Omen was good in its day allright, but these days there arent too many good ones being made. No blood and Gore just actual tension and hairs standing up on back of your neck kind of stuff
Have seen Paranomal Activity and it was a good one, there were bits that did freak me out a tad, but not too much. I have never watched the original Omen, but saw the remake a while ago. Was ok.

One of the best i saw a few years ago was the Descent, when that came out it was a compeltely new type of horror. Loved it. Not seen the second one as yet.

There are very few that really get under my skin, horror wise, I do like to be challenged, so if anyone has any good films to reccomend, let me know, see if you can find one that will scare the bejejus out of VampireJackie