Quote Originally Posted by JohnRambo View Post
How do you know this man is as bad as the media says he is? Because of what the police have said? Because of what the Sun newspaper says? What Sky News says?

Listen man you need to wake up, you’re been told what the police and the media want you to be told.

If this guy is so bad and if he was as bad as they’re making him out why didn’t he shoot the two guys in the chip shop he held up earlier in the week?

If he’s so dangerous why did he not kill the people who’s been helping him? If he was really messed up and mental it wouldn’t matter who they were friends or not he’d most likely have killed them as well but he didn’t.

Mate it took the Brits nearly 40 years to tell the truth of what they did on the streets of Derry in ’72 what makes you think they’re telling the truth now?

Always try and see past the propaganda machine.

You, me know one apart from the people in charge really know why this man is so pissed off. You really think if a police man was messing around with his ex the police would admit to this?

You can’t compare this man to Bird, now he really was a bad b*****d.

Moat is a killer there was other ways of settling things than killing a person trying to kill others, FFS will people stop trying to make excuses for/find excuses for people that committ crime, we hear it too much in this country oh he was stoned on drugs/ langers with drink he didnt mean it we need to stop making excuses for serious crime -zero tolerance Gas them all