Quote Originally Posted by Dub Lad View Post
thats not true at all people do take risks with subsantial amounts of money in equity based products and stock markets.. secondly to dick.. with celtic tiger days people dont play it safe as the economy is booming people can take risks and quit a job and go into another one fairly straight away.. Now to you westie totally life is full of opportunities the amount of stunning girls i see everyday like for 1 instance i met 1 of my girlfriends on the road i said i loved her shoes and she smilied n laughed and we ended up going out... same again met a nice girl on the bus... Im an ugly fucker like dog rough fat fuck but sure that doesnt stop me getting stunning gfs my talent is being able to make people laugh

Jesus thats my longest post EVER SO YOU BETTER FUCKING READ IT
everyone has dreams but few turn and even take the first step to making those dreams come true. If you live a mediocre life then youll have a mediocre life. You get out what you put in. Also be aware of the fact that when you pick up one end of the stick ,you eventually pick up the other end. Noone catches your arm and twists it. You always have the power to choose and noone can take that away from you. Most people dont choose but let live, or peers, religon or rules choose for them. Be the best you can and fuck what people think. As long as your not harming those around you then its your life,your buisiness.
As far as your gfs go. Congrats. It all comes down to three things, trust, fun and respect. Once they are there looks mean nothing.

I'll resist your heart rendering Charm,