Quote Originally Posted by carlos marvado View Post
I think there is a huge difference between homosexuality and paedophilia where this predisposition is acted upon. Homosexual activity involves consenting adults of the same gender, whereas paedophile activity involves the sexual/physical abuse of a minor who probably does not as yet have the mental faculties to give informed consent to what is being done to them. The paedophile may use force or guile to get what they want from a child and to the extent that it is an older person forcing their will on a much younger person who may be in fear, then paedophile activity should be viewed as child rape.

You are right, there probably are some countries that threat homosexual practices on a par with paedophilia............but then, they probably also stone people for adultry and prostitution and cut off hands for theft.

I completely agree with what you say, and there is no comparison between consensual and non-consensual relationships, whatever the orientation...
But, for instance, i have a family friend in his 50s who is gay. However, he is deeply religious and has never acted on this. He has been celibate for decades... Im just saying i have sympathy for people who cant lead happy lives due to their orientation.