Quote Originally Posted by jammydodger View Post
Ok everyone,
i know this topic mightnt be for everyone but what are peoples opinions on paedophiles?
Before i get pm'ed with death threats, i just wanna say id never ever condone paedophilia or anything non-consensual. I just have an opinion on this and, after recently sharing it with a friend, was surprised that he couldnt see any slight sense in my points... I also know on the boards here we have a very open forum and would love to see what you guys think.
I am of the opinion that anyone attracted to underage girls or boys have a seriously jaded view of attraction. But i also think they are predisposed to this attraction, either mentally at birth or through whatever negative experiences they've gone through in their life. There must be paedophiles who realise they have a perverted sense of attraction and have never acted on it. Not so long ago, homosexuality was illegal... And I think that they are similiar in the sense that they have been predisposed to this change from the normal sexual attractions,either through their environment growing up or just naturally born with it...
For me, i have a lot of sympathy for paedophiles who havent acted on their attractions. They are stuck between a rock and a hard place. However, i have zero sympathy for anyone who would ever act on these impulses. They deserve more than the law can impose on them. I applaud the treatment of them in prisons.
I genuinely think these people who don't act on it are victims of circumstance. They must live lonely existences.
These guys cannot be rehabilitated as studies have shown even with chemical castration (which is not available here) They still get urges but cannot physically act on it and so often use a different tool etc.
It is still hard to find sympathy for them even though it appears they are born this way as most are aware what they feel is wrong, they are not sociopaths the most have a conscience

There is no easy answer to this issue and will be ongoing long after we pass on