they will always get customers. Always. Dont assume that they want more and more.A lot of girls have an inkling of what good money would be and go for that. Andrea used to do that.She go working at about 12.30 and set a target of four. At 80 a go she make 320/nightly x 5 =1600 weekly. Not bad for an hour a night.
I agree that some go to escorts for different reasons but the vast bulk do it becuase they cant get sex for whatever reason and alot simply just married the wrong person. If the prices dropped escorts would get more of the lower class of income groups but is that what theyd want?
A lot of escorts are money minded to begin with, which enables them to do their the cost of emotional trauma is offset by the money that they make. For some even the cost of fuckin their health up is worth the money. It all depend son perspective.
Fact of the matter is, if prices dropped ,they would get more. If prices rose they would still get enough to get by on. A lot of guys in upper professions have fuck all but their jobs and use escorts alot and would pay alot more because to them its actually not much.

Look at the price increases of drink, ciggies etc. Has this stopped people drinking ?Nope they are doing it just as much if not more.

People will always pay money for a vice of some sort, always ,regardless of the prices.

You couldnt afford to buy me food, im an eating machine,