Fact is, If all the escorts came together and raised their prices overnight (for arguments sake- 200 for half hour, 300 for hour) There would always be a few cute ones who would openingly drop their rates to very reasonable prices and essentially draw in punters more than the upper priced escorts. Its already happening here in Dublin, with several escorts been cute enough to see the benefits.
One very well mentioned escort (British, goes home weekends) actually told me during a punt that her phone is constantly ringing with punters, so much so, that she does not answer while working, she does not have to- just takes whatever messages are left, to quote her -"The Money is here in Dublin". She really seemed to enjoy her work, I got the impression she started escorting only in the last few years (she is aged approx mid 30s) and was happy with the money she earned for her 4 day week.

There are escorts like her who are clever enough to understand that if they

(a) Have a slightly below normal rate as a fixed price, and
(b) Have a friendly, polite, approachable and open attitude to punters, and
(c) provide "standard" kinky services,

then they will in a very short time (due in no small way to the review section on E-1) virtually have, in their vaginas/arse/mouth a money making machine!
Its a simple rule of business- provide a slightly below normal rates priced and effective service and you draw customers from your higher priced (and probably less effective service) rivals.
Yet as simple as this formula is many escorts cant grasp it (witness reviews of rude uninterested escorts, or as Zo pointed out, overpriced ones). I personnally decided not to go to certain escorts in my time, instead opting for more reasonably priced ones, and my money went into their handbags- not the overpriced escorts handbags.
Punters with little choice of escorts, due to geographical location or horny dicks, will probably still go the to "bad" escorts, but the escorts poor reviews would, over time undercut the amount of guys visiting them.

The botton line is that all punters would never totally unite to improve the escort business any more than all escorts would never totally unite all demanding a standard high payment rate, we are all, punters and escorts, essentially self centered and selfish.