At times I meet new clients and always recommend them to join the site and contribute reviews as this would be a way for other ladies to know they are genuine and would enable them to get appointments based on thier credibility. Alot of these people would probably not even read the message baords let alone post on them so the idea of posts really wouldnt work. However perhaps a system could be put in place when a newbie places a review that a pm is sent to the lady in question or a text message asking did an appointment take place in say cork at 2pm for an hour and all she would need to do is answer yes or no. The content of the review will not be known until it is published. This is what a well known european site do with thier reviews system. I think that by asking a new member to pm mods and all of that may be off putting for them as they will feel that it is hard work to be a member and in all honesty the site should encourage new members to write reviews as this is what sites like these are all about. I am a member of a review site for resturants etc etc and I must be honest here and say I wouldnt feel happy if i had to check in with mods before I could review I might then not review at all. Just a little idea xxxx