Just a little info about the betting system.
I have already uploaded the FIFA WM, so anybody who wants to bet goes in there in the empty fields place the bets, and it will record his bets under his username.
When the match is played and the results are known it will add the points per following table
0 Points for a completely wrong bet
1 Points for a properly guessed match winner
2 Points for a correctly guessed match winner and goal difference (Winning team/Losing team)
3 Points for a exactly guessed match result

The Rankings will show who guessed the best in whole championship. On request I can add any other leagues that are provided by the plugin maker, if you know any that is now played let me know I can upload it, so we will give it a test drive before the big one.
More leagues can be added as they start so after a year you can have a results who is the footbal Guru.
Not sure yet if the bets will be closed just before the match or on the day, but there is also option to close them manualy, for the time that the match is played and then reopen the betting again.
As the results of the groups will be known, the plugin will automatically upload new matches from the winners of the groups. You can also see all the tables of the results within the league.
It would be worth to give it a test drive, but I'm not much of footbal guy, I am more of computer geek.
So if you know any leagues that are in progress I can upload them.
If you have any other questions, or something is not clear, please let me know.