Quote Originally Posted by carlos marvado View Post
Mr. Fussy, you've written 108 reviews in the space of less than 2 years........the good boys and girls of Ruhama would probably have you castrated if they could get their hands on you.
I know I and other punters are a subject of their efforts.

Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
At simple face value, Ruhama are whiter than white.

But in this world you have to look beyond the image of themselves that organisations like Ruhama create and see what is really behind the PR facade.

I'd challenge anyone to really look into Ruhama and then come back here and defend them.

I can fully understand that most people would look at Ruhama on the face of it and imagine they do good work, but scratch the surface and it's a whole different story.
Let's not get into looking beyond the facade or scratching the surface. I imagine EI would not advocate that either. Ruhama has a different and opposite agenda to EI, at least cutting out trafficking is a common goal. They have their objectives and you have yours, all I am saying is that these views will always be polar opposites. EI make a lot of money from this site, I spend a lot of money on activities advertised on this site, neither of us are whiter that white...so I dare say we should not denegrate the Ruhama organisation...