After a weekend of total abuse of mind , body and spirit i just sit here and think some thoughts that enter my mind,

There are too many Eastern Europeans in this country and one of us has to go. On yer bikes.

I rather be a failure at something i love doing ,than be a success at something i hate.

I just love black women and want to spend my life with a lovely ,nice black lady.

Manners and respect in everyday life has gone out the window and is replaced by ill manners and ignorance.

There is nothing wrong with having an ego.There is something wrong with not feeding it.

Women fuck up in the game of love more than men do.

If you dont take control of life,life will take control of you.

Escorts (despite the fact that they say its just a job) should have far more esteem and should not be scorned upon by society.Hold your heads up a bit more.

You have no control over some things that happen in life but you have total 100% control of how they affect you.

Your thoughts are real thoughts but they are not reality.

Dont ever look down on another person but dont look up at them either.

Never judge a person by what they work at ,do , or come from. An individual is an individual.

You need to go through hell to know what heaven is like.

Most people just walk through life regreting the past and dreading about the future ,while ignoring the now.

The one thing that no one can take from you is your power to choose in this life.

Be the worlds best friend and smile

The secret to seduction is eye contact.

The things that destroy a relationship are those tiny things that formed it.

I hate speicial interest groups.Pro this,anti this,pro that.Just lazy bastards looking for easy jobs and acclaim from society.

The day someone refers to me as mature ,is the day ill will shoot myself in the head.

Do you know that you can change the way you feel in seconds ,just by thinking the wrong things?

Be an animal lover. They dont screw you over like a lot of people do.

The biggest mistake in this life is marrying the wrong person.

Dont half do something.Give it your all or dont do it at all.

Most women are way too self consious of their bodies and looks and not consious enough of their thinking.

This obviously has fuck all to do with escorting.

And heres a Westside fun fact.............

Westside once outran his dog .The bull came in third.
