Quote Originally Posted by TheNads View Post
It's good to see that someone somewhere has the balls to say "fuck you" to their government & their new EU lords & masters.
I can't condone the firebombing of a bank or the awful deaths involved but just what would it take to get mass demonstrations onto our streets ???
I heard on the news last night that one of the Greek people's chants was something akin to :

"We are not Irish, we won't bail out the rich"

Interseting, very interesting ................
Our government keeps telling us that we have a gold star from the EU for our swift & thorough actions. Maybe the EU beurocrats, who want to maintain the status quo are happy that we are toeing the line but it's interesting to hear what normal people think.

TheNads thinks that Irish people are generally compliant & spineless. I keep reading that taking to the streets & demonstrating will serve no purpose, well bollox to that.
Wouldn't it show the vested interests that we won't tolerate this again, we want heads ! Can you believe that we still have 90% of the same people heading government & banks as 2 yrs ago ?? Really !!! These people got us here & we leave them there to adjust things back to where they want it again ??
A good angry demo (without the violence) would certainly help repair the Nad's very negative view on his own people.
when ppl protest over something so profound to them ,there is usually a violent element which results in injuries and / or death. Having said all that the Greeks problem is their own ,just as ours is ours. why the hell should we give them any money when we havnt even got it for our own?
