Quote Originally Posted by Experienced Punter esq View Post
aaaaaaah u & Westside have taken this up completely wrong.......
you are talking about the monotony of life and i am saying that when you are doing what you really want to do there isnt as much time for monotony because doing what you really want with life is self motivating.In fact there are three big reasons for so much unhappiness in this world.

(1) Ppl try to buy happiness through material items while not realizing that happiness is a state of mind.
(2) Ppl live their lives to plz those around them or be afraid of being left on their own.They dont live their lives the way that they truely want for fear of being different,isolated etc..
(3) Expecting the love and or respect of everyone that they meet.

These three are the cause of a lot of misery in this world. Ppl would do well to examine all three and see if they apply to them.
