Quote Originally Posted by Dirty Harry View Post
but in my opinion it would still cause problems in the childrens life think of the slagging of they would get from other kids in school(
I hear what you're saying alright and it's a tough question for sure. I still think though that on balance it's better than a child being in an abusive environment. I would agree however with preference being given to bi-sex relationships when it comes to adoption.

Here's one for ya which might change your mind on the playground side of things. My best mate growing up was a teachers son, not only that but his mum taught in his school and would regularly pop into the classroom to humiliate him. "Ah sure just give him a wallop if he steps out of line" sort of thing. Thing is though, this guy was, still is and always will be a legend. Toughest fucker I've ever met (mentally I mean), takes no shit from anyone and has a knack of just getting along with people, the sort of guy that everyone just likes. These are the skills he evolved to deal with getting a slagging in school and he'll tell ya himself, having it was the best thing that ever happened to him...