Quote Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post
What do you mean, boring sport for boring people? Snooker's not only about trigonometry, it's about having the amazing mental strength needed not to scream "FUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!" and smash your cue off the table when you miss a sitter and let the other bloke in to clean up.

Anyway - snooker fans. With the World Championship coming up soon, what do we think of Barry Hearn's proposals to take over and change the sport like he did darts?

Also, why are there no good Irish snooker players (my own max break is a lousy 38)?
If Barry does what he did with the Darts I may start watching again, he can only be good for the game.

Personally i would introduce
- an exploding ball
- a chinese burn for an in off
- a double to score double

and a Bill Werbeniuk tournamnet where the players have to drink 5 pints per frame.................

(I'm a 27 or 31 or something.......)