Quote Originally Posted by Westsidex View Post
he doesnt give a fuck about all those families who are struggling as it is before NAMA. There are other ways fo dealing with these issues besides NAMA.

Great, lets hear them................

Quote Originally Posted by Westsidex View Post
They arent doing the slightest thing to create jobs
Agreed. But what should be done, let the banks go under and put more people out of a job???

Quote Originally Posted by Westsidex View Post
they should also reduce ppls mortgage payments to what their mortgages are worth now rather than when they took them out initially.
And how the hell would they do this???

I'm sorry West, but that comment is a total cop out...........

Nobody forced anybody to take on these excessively large mortgages. Now don't get me wrong, I sorry for people who find themselves in this position, I do, but at the end of the day nobody forces people to take these on (of course there are exceptions).

Did people look for loans beyond their repayment capability???................Yes............

Did the bank give people money knowing full well they couldn't pay it back???................Yes..............

Were people happy to take it at the time???.................Yes...............

Did the financial regulator allow this to happen???...............Yes, the cunt did.................

Was it his job to stop this sort of thing from happening???...........Yes, the cunt, it was..........

Did he make a complete bollox of it???..................Yes the cunt did...............

Was the gravy train the country was traveling on going so fast nobody could read the warning signs as hey whizzed past..................Yes...............

Did anybody actually want to???.............No probably not.................

Was it the job of the financial regulator to read these signs and to prevent all this...........Yes the cunt it was........

Why did he not???.................probably because the government told him the gravy would never run out of steam and he didn't want to rock the boat and be the big party pooper...........

Is this not a bit of a case of the tail wagging the dog???...............Yes a bit............

To summarize, is the financial regulator a cunt???...............Yes..................

Sorry for the language...........