Quote Originally Posted by Reggie View Post
So QPR if only 5-10 out of many hundreds of reviewers are reliable/true /authentic , what does that tell you about the motives behind false representation. I/we judge your view would be interesting to hear.
(sorry about the Dipstick accusation)
I mean that for me and from my only having what people write to go on I have only about 3 to 5 client posters whose word on any Escorts services I trust "without doubt" and maybe another 5 who I would place a high degree of value in feeling they tell the truth in reviews, good or bad, and do so for the right reasons, which are to stear people away from what they decided was a bad or poor service when a neg and equally to steer people in the direction of those that provided a good or excelent service and not those who regretfully post for a whole range of non valid reasons that fall outside that core reason for posting good or bad reviews.

In between those that I would trust and the vast bulk of worthless chaff are probably a good few real reviews who just are posted by people who dont post here so not possible to gauge any worth or motive to why they placed it, many may be perfectly valid but as I would be exceptionally choosey I would only go on 3/5 peoples reviews and no more and even at that I would be base it more on reading the posts of the Escorts but as they are few in reletion to the overall non posting Escorts it would come down to a mixure of what I see both Escorts post and what the veiws of those very few people I would place value and store in their word.