Quote Originally Posted by Armanidublin View Post
If its possible I'd like to retract my reviews of Mariana. I've been thinking about it and believe that it all did get out of hand. My review was genuine and honest, but I still feel bad if it has had an impact on her making a living in a profession that is already very tough.....

Once my reviews are taken down perhaps she might choose to put her reviews back up and her business might pick up.


I can tell you for free that yes you did hurt the girl and her buisiness.I was in touch with her and i can tell you that she has enough shit to deal with,besides you stirring up crap about her.In fact she was pretty upset by the whole incident but someday someone will treat you like shit and then you will know all about it.
What the fuck was there to gain from causing crap for her?Was there a prize somewhere?Or did she not give you the attention that the other "clever girls" pretend to give you?And jesus your still on about the bloody thing.
I said it in a post already that you should be ashamed of yourself and you tell me about not taking moral lessions from me?That is some funny shit man.
Oh just in case you think i was after something, she offered me a discount if i called into her and i didnt take her up on it.Not bad for a scumbag eh?
Marianna remember how upset you were?Well you dont need people like this calling to you.Your good looking and intellegent and remember what i said to you.Hope your good and all is well with you.Carry on with your life and leave the moaners to their misery.Mind yourself.
