Holy shit - what is Fussy doing. Now Mr Fussy is a PM friend and we have shared a few recommendations in the past but WTF is he up to. Check this out.

25/0210, 6pm Anita & Stella – I hour. €400

03/03/10, 5pm Agnes – 30mins €130

03/03/10, 6pm Jessica Loveit – 30mins €130

13/03/10, 3pm Mona – 1 hour €200

13/03/10, 4pm Claudia – 30mins €250

16/03/10, 6pm Gina – 30mins €100

16/0310, 7pm Candy – 30mins €100

16/03/10, 4pm Rebeca – I hour €300

18/03/10, 5pm Jasmin – I hour €220

18/03/10, 8pm Bella – I hour €200

That’s 2030 fuckin euro. Sweet divine Jesus this guy qualifies as the most Testosterone fueled guy I have ever come across. Fair fucks to him. Where does he find the energy not to mention the disposable cash? You are truly a legend Mr. Fussy. Respect!!!!