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Thread: Fake first time reviewers ideas how to stop

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Fake first time reviewers ideas how to stop

    Fake first time reviewers ideas how to stop

    I am sick of seeing these first time fake reviewers spamming the site and
    seeing people conned and cheated.

    May I sugest the following steps to reduce the number of

    1: A Time limit between registering and being allowed write a review of about two days or so.
    2: A user must have a minuimum number of posts before being apply to write a review(***)
    3: A user must make one friend before being able to write a review

    This makes life more difficult for the hustlers and mentalists
    and should reduce the number of Fake first time reviewers by a large percentage in my view.
    I don't think any geniune reviewer would object to this.

    (***) this may mean that certain pointless threads like Drop one keep one may
    and random images may have to be stopped.

  2. #2
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    I agree with your goal, but I'm not sure this will achieve it.

    1 The time limit won't really discourage escorts or pimps from writing reviews. They have money at stake, and will be willing to wait. It's more likely to discourage casual reviewers.
    2 A minimum number of posts will probably have the same effect. People with a financial stake will make the effort. It wouldn't be hard. People who just want to write a review won't bother.
    3 Escorts get lots of friendship requests from people they don't know. They generally just accept all of them, thinking it's probably a current or future client, so better not to offend anyone.

    You could probably modify some of these ideas a bit to make them effective, but I don't immediately see how. In any case, keep coming up with ideas. You're right that there are far to many fake reviews on the system.

    “I wish you wouldn’t keep appearing and vanishing so suddenly; you make one quite giddy!”
    “All right,” said the Cat; and this time it vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end of the tail, and ending with the grin, which remained some time after the rest of it had gone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I think myself too something should be done as there are far too many first time reviewers. A time limit would be a good deterrent. In my opinion I think it should be longer maybe a few weeks. I noticed some of the fake reviewers register a few days before they submit the review so 2 days wouldn't be much of a deterrent. I think more 2 weeks would be more apropriate.

    It would be good if reviewers could post 10 times before they could review. Then that way you can get a sense of whether their genuine or not. I don't think we could get rid of drop one keep one and funny pictures threads as alot of regulars enjoy these type of threads.

    I don't know whether making a friend would make any difference. That's been a trait of some trolls here by sending friend requests to regular members hoping they will accept it and make them look like genuine users. I often get friend requests from people I've never heard of and have only joined. I just ignore these ones. I think some people just accept them to get the anoying notification off.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  4. #4
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    Many, perhaps most, of those reviews are agency reviews. When escorts first come to Ireland they usually come with an agency. The ones who are successful and enterprising then come back on their own, but few start out as genuine independents. There are two good reasons for this. In most countries agencies are the norm, so most escorts coming to Ireland expect to find the same here. More importantly, it's much easier. The agency takes care of the apartment. The escort doesn't need to worry about whether Ballsbridge is a better location than Ballymun; she just goes to the address they give her. The agency takes care of the advertising. The escort doesn't need to worry about whether escort-ireland or escortireland is the site which gets the traffic; the agency writes the ad and makes sure it appears where it should. Normally the ad will say independent. The escort may or may not know that. Finally, the agency takes care of a review or two. They may use a new account or reuse an old one. It's definitely not just first time reviewers who are the problem.

    So how do you prevent agencies from doing this? I don't know. If you introduce a delay between registering and reviewing then they will just register accounts farther in advance. They have a few accounts already, so manufacturing "friends" is not a problem for them. They expect to make money from their reviews. Genuine reviewers don't. So the agencies are more motivated. That means any additional hurdles we create risk turning away more genuine reviews than fakes.

    I don't want to discourage anyone from trying to solve this problem. I'm just pointing out why it's a hard problem to solve.

    “I wish you wouldn’t keep appearing and vanishing so suddenly; you make one quite giddy!”
    “All right,” said the Cat; and this time it vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end of the tail, and ending with the grin, which remained some time after the rest of it had gone.

  5. #5
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    the problem is on the one hand, reviews are for benefit of keeping punters safer and good escorts seen to delivery a good service, but in this like any system,.it is open to abuse,when money is at stake, the crooks will abuse, common sence and follow the high scor reviewers is still the best way to stay safe

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I am all ears as to how to combat this but as everyone knows its very difficult to combat. I dont think waiting a few days will bother anyone and as for having to make at least one friend, with sexyfukka around that won't be a problem as he seems to patrol the new members page and ask each and everyone of them to be his friend, sometime's within minutes and have lost count of how many profiles I have clicked on to find that he is their one and only friend.

    Short of a magic bullet for this problem its really down to people to use common sense and street smarts. E-I cannot possibly hold anyone's hand in how they arrive as who they believe or not. For example click on a one time reviewers profile and if they posted review 2/3/4/5/ or 6 months ago and not logged in since that date then probably is fake.

    No total solution to this problem but I think it can be lessened. One idea might be that an automatic pm is sent one week after a first review submitted and if no reply within a week the review is automatically deleted.

    Another would be if escort ads/profiles were only viewable when logged in, that way if a profile submitted a second review of another escort but had not been logged in since his first review how would he have seen her ad in which to have decided to book her. It would point to him being fake

    If system was set up so that mods could see the last 5 or 10 logged in times and also see the last 10 items or threads that a profile has viewed an ads and ad profiles are only viewable to logged in members then we could make far better in roads into first and second time reviewers who never show up again.

  7. #7
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    qp is right, common sense and relying on good trusted reviewers, if there is a system and monies involved, it will be broken sad fact but true

  8. #8


    As someone who has been on the other end of the scenarios being discussed here, i.e. I submitted a review for the first time that is now labelled as a possible fake I would like to comment.

    I agree with the concept of a review system, both for the escorts and the clients. However I never submitted a review before for two reasons, one, I never had a bad experience that I wished to warn others about and two, a lot of the reviews submitted consist of what I call the ‘High Score’ type of review, you know, the ‘I did this and that to her, then she did some of the other to me, then we all did it again forty times in the next ten minutes’. I dislike that sort of review; I think it cheapens both the escort and the client. I also suspect they relate more to the fantasies of the reviewer than anything that may have happened in fact.

    Requiring a previous number of posts, or reviews, will only discourage new reviewers and restrict the site to what will, in effect, become a private members club. If that is what the operators want then fair enough, but some mechanism should be put in place for someone, like myself, that had such an enjoyable experience with an escort that I wanted to shout about it, or at least post a positive review, and not have my sincerity questioned or the suggestion being made that I am either another escort or a pimp.

    Thank you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    just trying something, ignore this

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Wakka Wakka View Post
    As someone who has been on the other end of the scenarios being discussed here, i.e. I submitted a review for the first time that is now labelled as a possible fake I would like to comment.

    I agree with the concept of a review system, both for the escorts and the clients. However I never submitted a review before for two reasons, one, I never had a bad experience that I wished to warn others about and two, a lot of the reviews submitted consist of what I call the ‘High Score’ type of review, you know, the ‘I did this and that to her, then she did some of the other to me, then we all did it again forty times in the next ten minutes’. I dislike that sort of review; I think it cheapens both the escort and the client. I also suspect they relate more to the fantasies of the reviewer than anything that may have happened in fact.

    Requiring a previous number of posts, or reviews, will only discourage new reviewers and restrict the site to what will, in effect, become a private members club. If that is what the operators want then fair enough, but some mechanism should be put in place for someone, like myself, that had such an enjoyable experience with an escort that I wanted to shout about it, or at least post a positive review, and not have my sincerity questioned or the suggestion being made that I am either another escort or a pimp.

    Thank you.
    Am I to understand that, having seen a number of escorts, you had such a great time with Louise on the 2nd March that you rushed into print on the 3rd March, having fortuitously registered as a member the week before???

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