Quote Originally Posted by RicFlair View Post
Oh come on!!!

There's many off-licences in Dublin where every Fri/Sat kids hang around hassling Adults for booze. It happens all the time. I'm sure eventually the kids find someone to help.

What I find hilarious about the Head Shop debate or the legalising of drugs debate is that the two most dangerous drugs of all are the only legal ones. Like how many people die each year of Drink and Cigarette related illness? How many people here have Alcholics in there family? A parent, a child, an Aunt, an Uncle? Irish people have a substance abuse gene in their chemical make up. Its that simple.

Now who here has a pack of skins?
1. Why are you posting in size "4" font? Are we to expect that from you in the future? I used size "4" or maybe it was "5" for a FAR smaller post before and was fucked out of it straightaway by a mod as being "VERY annoying".

2. The young lads mightn't have a chance to make mistakes and learn from them. Maybe they do with alcohol, but nobody knows the irreversible harm these drugs can do. People kill themselves even after getting hooked on anti-depressants. Do you think the government's got your back? Do you really think the government is regulating it properly? They are not, they're constantly seduced by the polished-looking corrupt scientists assuring them all is okay.