Quote Originally Posted by AmorInfinito8 View Post
I don't think there's anything in my post to warrant this response!?

I deplore stereotyping whether that be on any basis

Race/ Creed/ Colour/ Religious or National Origin or Sexual Orientation

If this thread were to stereotype any other group in a negative way my response would have been the same and always has been on this forum

I gave two examples one of good and one of bad of Irish men

But like you've stated it's not all Irish men that stink just the majority of us

I'll desist from any further contributions to your thread for the sake of harmony
Ah Amor…

Iam in bed but i can’t help myself how people could already know about me.

Do you know why i reacted like i did?

I said in all thread it’s about all escorts or do you think it’s only me who have dirty towels or linen? Iam like a radio but there are still people like you who could text “Michelle, iam sorry you have experience like this. I hope you will have a better luck in future.”

Sometimes i have a feeling some people absolutely can’t get my point. Maybe it’s my English. But later i always get supportive feedback outside of forum.

By the way many times i was thinking if you are not a gay. I hope it’s not offensive. I love them! Silky skin sounds amazing.