Quote Originally Posted by JennyIrish View Post
Robohookers ha ha!!!

I'm no robohooker but if God forbid that I'm ever attacked I would dig my 2 inch solid acrylic nails so far into his eyeballs and sink my teeth so deep into his face I would have to be surgically removed from d fcuker!!!!!!!

I have medals for boxing, I dont get scared I get a surge of adrenaline & anger!!!!!!
I had a few girls that were boxers and karate students who actually enjoyed showing me their skills and beating me up.
One was only 19 and was boxing from knee high, I love a woman that can take care of herself and me
Robohookers are coming Jenny and they dont take any shit, they are very strong and also considerate, they can maintain stamina forever and can see over 30 guys per day without getting Fanny Burn