Quote Originally Posted by JennyIrish View Post
Thank you, I sometimes think that maybe I come across as a contrary biddy here it I'm 9 years in the industry now, I served my time in the beginning with rude, demanding, boundary pushing, unhygienic clients, I really do lo e this job now, I travel the country, meet the nicest people, I'm not rich but I'm also not greedy for money if i get an inkling of a bad vibe it's good luck and goodbye, in my early years I would have horrible clients where my skin is crawling and I'm thinking "I cant wait to get this fcuker out of here"

I would NEVER put myself through that nowadays, not for any money.

Benny, I know that alot of ladies would find the word prostitute offensive and I can understand why,because it can be dehumanising and stigmatising, It reduces a person to just someone to be used for sex.

But I myself have no difficulty with the word prostitute or whore because it is what it is, I am a prostitute.

But I am a prostitute who has managed to make this industry work for ME , I am financially independent and able to pay my Bill's and provide for my family and work to ensure a secure, well educated future for myself and my family.

I work my own hours, I CHOOSE who I see, I have met the most lovely, interesting gentlemen, some clients have become very good friends, I NEVER want or expect gifts but I have been obscenely spoiled by some gentlemen.

Even though I was in a loving long term relationship for many many years, my most amazing, most intense sexual experiences have been with clients.

I'm proud of the life I have created because of this job, I dragged myself out of the depths of stress and worry and endless anxiety over being in debt.

I NEVER want to glamorise this job because it takes balls and street smarts to succeed in it and make it work for ME.

I am a prostitute, not openly due to the consequences this would have for my family but I am unapologetically so, no man will ever dull my shine by calling me a whore or a prostitute because I AM a prostitute, a MAGNIFICENT prostitute who sits in my brand new car and gratefully thinks of the extreme ad ersity I overcame get to the happy place I am in today
There's a lady very happy and comfortable in her own skin. Something that is not an easy thing to achieve.