Quote Originally Posted by FredBiscuits View Post
No, I didn't.

I believe answers like this need to be visible to everyone, therefore I ask the questions in public.

The fact the rules were linked in the award post, and it seems like there was at least 3 other providers who should have ranked higher than the announced winner if those rules were correctly applied seems either unfair, an error, or something is deemed to have happened. I think each option there, someone has a right to know, primarily the competitors, but the client pool has some interest there too.

Then I would suggest you pull your head out of your arse and ask l the Mods outright through PM!!!?

Why your stirring shit
and you haven't even asked the question
is beyond me!!!

Do you need someone to hold your hand?
The Mods don't bite!!

Let me set your we mind at ease

I will be contacting the relevant moderation team tomorrow to get to the bottom of this

The Mods are here to do a thankless job especially when being taken the piss out of

I've stated privately if I can't see integrity within the moderation team on this site I'm deleting my account

so now it's public

I'll stand by that!!

I'm out of here if this disharmony that established escorts and clients are feeling with the site isn't resolved

You willing to follow suit or just spread unfounded Accusations against certain Mods!!!?

Put on your big boy pants contact the Mods or shut the £ up!!!