If your instinctual guess was in reference to homosexuality, I am afraid you are mistaken.

We are the last members of the Genus that is Homo. Confused? Lions are Panthera leo. Tigers are Panthera tigris. We are Homo sapiens. All caught up now I hope.

I find the human world in which we live today, quite bewildering. On one side, there's everything we have accomplished due to our brains. On the other, there's the extant barbarity that has existed throughout our ~200,000 year history, which will of course endeavour to survive until the last Homo is no more. While our intelligence has increased to levels that have never existed before on our planet, so far as we know at least; it is matched only by our arrogance and ego. Or as I prefer to call it, the human god complex.

There is an old native American saying that goes: "As man moves away from nature, his heart becomes hard". There was a time, many tens of thousands of years ago, that we knew our place in the world. Or rather, we lacked all we now have, after we have claimed dominion on this rock. Again, something which has never existed before on our planet, so far as we know. Not for a single species at least.

Because at the end of the day, that is truly all that we are; a single species. And yet, we think ourselves as gods. The vast majority of people would probably claim that that was nonsense. But I look out into the horizon of our world today. I look at all the hate. All the horrors. The lack of kindness. Lack of empathy. Not just to ourselves, but to the very heart of mother nature herself. This is all, alien to me. I don't think it's too bold of me to claim that I have rewritten the rules on what it means to be a lone wolf. I have spent many an hour watching the hands turn on the old grandfather clock, pondering what it means to be human.

I see a world almost devoid of logic. I see a people whom have abandoned reason for sheer madness. I watch as the self-claimed most intelligent species in the history of the planet destroys not only itself, but mother nature as well. Rational thinking seems to be critically endangered. People from all schools of thought, from all possible vantage points, becoming so obsessed with clinging to ideals that are not truly theirs. Individuals who sacrifice their individuality in order to seek validation and acceptance by conforming to beliefs, which are entirely made and decided in haste without any critical or objective thought.

Once you commit yourself to an ideal, you are then shackled by the rules that are set out to govern that ideal. For fear of being cast out as a pariah, you submit yourself to their teachings and dare not critique it. It matters not what side of the fence you're on; whether it's left wing versus right wing, religion versus atheism, race versus ethnicity and so on. We are so blinded by our greed and arrogance, that our first call to action is act immediately based on first appearances, rather than take the time to understand that which we are not familiar with.

Even in people's own lives, they crave so desperately for what they do not have, even though they cannot ever have it. I struggle to determine whether these cravings are out of desperation or from pure greed. I hold the belief, and have done for quite some time, that life for most of us has become far too easy. After all, you make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing. Obviously exceptions apply; those in poorer countries, those living in oppressive regimes, those in our own countries whose lives have been turned upside down either by their own hands or others. But for most of us, life is no longer a struggle for survival. As I said earlier, as we have moved on from nature, our hearts have become hard. But it is not our hearts alone that have become hard, it is our minds. The one key instinct that all life shares, is a hunger to survive. Life is a struggle, it always has been and always will be.

But is it now? For us? Do we struggle for clean water? For fresh food? For warmth? Shelter? Do we, really? Most of us?

I would wager that this isn't some modern 'achievement'. I would claim it has been this way now for thousands of years. The only difference is, that as time has moved on, the greater percentage of the populace that this has become true for. That is the one true purpose of the brain. The gut instinct to survive. But now we're lacking that, because we're not really struggling anymore. So what becomes of the brain, the mind, when its ultimate purpose becomes obsolete?

The mind is a master at self deception, when it needs to protect itself.

So many people are ignorant to how powerful the human mind is. The subconscious is an extremely powerful force, which so many are oblivious to. When life is too easy, our minds can deceive us, by distorting reality.

Only those who are born in darkness, know the true meaning of light.

Why? Why have we become sheep? Sheep that clamour for a leader? Have we lost the ability to think and take responsibility for ourselves? Why are we so quick to abandon who we are, for the sake of herding?

Life is hard. Life is a comedy horror movie. It's been that way for a billion years, and it will be that way for a billion more. Our differences define who we are individually. But not what we are as a people. Take any ethnicity, take any race, take any culture. Strip away the skin. Strip away the blood, the organs, everything down until only the skeleton remains. Do you see any differences between us then? Are our bones not the same? There's where you'll find the content of your books, once you've taken off the covers. We are one species, one people. Why are we so obsessed with creating division amongst ourselves? Black and white. You know, I would argue that there's no such thing as black people and white people. You know what we all are? Chocolate. That's all we are. Just different coloured chocolates. We may look different on the outside, but the base ingredients are all the same.

So. Who are you? White? Black? Asian? Male? Female? Intersex? Straight? Gay? Rich? Poor? The circumstances of our birth are irrelevant, it is what we do with the gift of life that determines WHO we are. And yeah, sometimes shit happens, some have it far worse than others. We may not be responsible what happens to us in our lives, but we are responsible for what we do about it. So we all have a choice to make. Stay true to who we are as individuals, or submit to the will of another. True freedom, is a mind that is no longer deceived by itself, or others. Trust your gut, don't let others control your thoughts.

A free mind is a dangerous mind, because it cannot be controlled. And make no mistake, the world is steeped in shadows that want you to forfeit your freedom, so that they can control what and how you think.

When all is said and done, there are really only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

Every tree. Every rock. Every animal. Even YOU. Because there is only one you. So don't waste yourself. Life's too short. So appreciate everything. Waste not, want not.

The trials and tribulations of the last Homo. We certainly are a curious lot.