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Thread: How can an "average guy" get a beautiful wife

  1. #11


    I want this too.
    I also want a job with massive wages for no work, a fridge that magically restocks itself everyday, a pet chihuahua that shits diamonds...oh, and a Bugatti. And not just any Bugatti, Andrew Tate's Bugatti! So I be like "VRRRROOOOOOMMMM" and my friends be like "WOOOOOOOWWWWW"!
    Did I mention that I'm highly intellimagent?!

  2. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to DamoEI For This Useful Post:

    64west (06-04-24), Atreyou (06-04-24), Escort AdvertiserDieve (05-04-24), Escort AdvertiserEllaBella (05-04-24), IAmLIAm (05-04-24), IrishSarahBarra (09-04-24), Nayce (05-04-24), Noregrets (06-04-24), TheFalcon (06-04-24)

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by DamoEI View Post
    I want this too.
    I also want a job with massive wages for no work, a fridge that magically restocks itself everyday, a pet chihuahua that shits diamonds...oh, and a Bugatti. And not just any Bugatti, Andrew Tate's Bugatti! So I be like "VRRRROOOOOOMMMM" and my friends be like "WOOOOOOOWWWWW"!
    Did I mention that I'm highly intellimagent?!
    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    This should be post of the month! It is for me anyway
    "Don't worry, be happy!"
    "Allways remember to be happy becouse you never know who's falling in love with your smile"
    C. J Duggan, "One Summer"

  4. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to EllaBella For This Useful Post:

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  5. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2019


    I wanted all those things also , a guy like that is delusional.
    One of my greatest regrets in life has been that I spent too long wishing for things that were never going to happen.
    It’s important to be happy with what we have.
    I’m at my happiest point in life now and it has come from accepting and appreciating what I have.
    I am first to acknowledge that a couple of advertisers here, have helped my mindset.

  6. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Ryankelvin For This Useful Post:

    64west (06-04-24), IAmLIAm (05-04-24), IrishSarahBarra (09-04-24), Noregrets (06-04-24), TheFalcon (06-04-24)

  7. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by Dieve View Post
    I think it's a classic case of "fake it til you make it".

    The moment he stops giving a shit about his imperfections and just goes straight in approaching those hot women who he thinks he's too boring for by acting confident yet natural, his chances of eventually landing one will dramatically increase. He's gotta get used to a shitload of rejection of course, not brood on those who don't deserve him.

    No pain, no gain. No risk, no win.

    Reminds me of my first signature, a Carrie Fisher quote.

    "Stay afraid, but do it anyway.
    What’s important is the action.
    You don’t have to wait to be confident.
    Just do it, and eventually the confidence will follow."

    I disagree with people calling him shallow, especially because he also mentioned good conversational skills as requirement. I rather consider those who claim looks don't matter hypocrites. If you're already pretty with a huge pool of pretty partners to choose from, of course it's not an issue for you, you never had to talk about it, because it comes easy, but the moment someone mentions they want someone pretty, boo-hoo, shallow?

    I also want someone pretty, interesting, smart, funny, caring... if I consider that person better than me in any way, then I hope they will accept me the way I am, and happy to watch me grow.
    There is nothing wrong with wanting someone pretty and smart and funny and compassionate. However, wanting that person just so others look at you with reverence or envy is fairly shallow (that's not to say I don't understand the feeling, I believe most have been there at some stage).

    Now, I don't know this fella so obviously there is context that I'm missing but I do think that this kind of checklist typically manifests it's self in us when we're feeling a lack of self worth and particularly down on ourselves. Obviously the lack of confidence plays into the inability to get what you "want" which reinforces the self loathing and the cycle continues.

    What this guy needs is a genuine, meaningful relationship (platonic or romantic) to help erase some of the self hate. Once he feels better about himself (and cares less about how others see him) he's more likely to attract a partner who will support him and who he can support. With any luck he will then realize that the only thing that truly matters is how they feel towards each other, rest of the social circle be damned.
    “I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” - Voltaire

    Quote Originally Posted by Dieve View Post
    I'm deeply hurt that you offend kittens and cheese in the same post 😿

  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to IAmLIAm For This Useful Post:

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  9. Default

    We all want the woman/man of our dreams,
    I wonder do they really exist or are they just that "dreams".
    I thought I had her but she turned out to be a complete nightmare.
    Life is a bitch and then you ***** ***.

    Anyway that guy needs to wake up a bit and smell the coffee
    Last edited by Rattlesnake; 05-04-24 at 19:46.

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  11. #16


    Don't be an asshole, be respectful of women and realise that personality and looks are a balance that you can find an abundance of both in some and a vacuum in others, if you are on an escort site asking this question then you are probably gonna benefit from trying a few new hobbies, meeting people and going outside.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to passive1 For This Useful Post:

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  13. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Irelandbeautyyy View Post
    There is nothing bad to say she should have some wow factor for him and only him. Why should she impress others? Why does he need to show something to others?

    He desires only about some appreciation by others. Why he is not buying a car?
    I get your reasoning, but I think it was just figure of speech to emphasize her charm. It's easy to get a car. Car doesn't need to consent to be yours. The loving gaze of another person cannot be substituted by anything.
    Don't wait to get confident. Just do it, and eventually the confidence will follow.

    Quote Originally Posted by IAmLIAm View Post
    Have a nice walk.🖕🏻😼🖕🏻

  14. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Dieve For This Useful Post:

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  15. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2019


    Maybe his shortcomings would be less obvious with a substantial lotto win
    Kisses Mistress Megaera
    0873354943 X: @Megaera

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  17. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by TheFalcon View Post
    well the topic is not actually about me- Ive had the occasional success among many struggles with the ladies but hey I know my limitations. so its not about me,

    I post on another form and there is a guy South African (not sure if that matters) who describes himself as highly intelligent but boring and lacking charisma, 5' 10 so not especially tall compared to the guys that the hot ladies seem to go for,
    He wants a beautiful wife or companion, a lady who is visually highly attractive, carries herself with class and elegance, who is physically fit, can converse on a variety of topics and have a "wow" factor when she accompanies him to dinner parties and social gatherings, a lady who will make his colleagues heads turn when she enters the room.

    In summary you could say he wants a lady similar to the ladies that advertise here on Escort Ireland,

    Myself and the other posters are finding it difficult to provide him with any inspiration- other than he has to settle for a 6 or 7 out of 10 rather than trying to land the 10- he might settle for a 9 but nothing lower! that he has to base his partner on emotional connection and compatibility rather than looks (but he rejects these advices)

    He is an intelligent guy but lacks (in his own words) charisms and charm and is pretty average looking himself- hes not built like a Springbok rugby player. " He is not good enough" he doesnt have the charm and social skills of his friends- he gets invited to the big gatherings but he doesnt have the social skills to do himself justice,

    He is highly intelligent, can hold conversations about anything is financially stable but not rich,

    Anyway its not happening for him with the girls or at least not with the supermodels he craves,

    so my good friends- lads and lassies- how can this guy land the woman of his dreams?
    The dude is an utter douche canoe with an unreal sense of entitlement. By his own admission he is a boring, unattractive, charmless, socially awkward short-arse who earns just enough to get by, and is "not good enough" for what he wants. So, at best, he's a 5 or 6 himself, yet he thinks he deserves a 9 or 10?!
    Guys like this are the pits, he is just the sort that tries to chat up a girl in a bar, gets rejected, and then proclaims she MUST be a lesbian. I knew a guy just like him, used to bang on endlessly about the absolute models he had slept with, then shows up one day with a new girlfriend who was nothing at all like the girls he described before. He later moved into a flat with this girl and had a kid with her.
    He is a fantasist who now believes he is entitled to his fantasies coming true. Even other guys dislike guys like this! It wouldn't surprise me if the guy was a virgin (nothing wrong with that) and that he has a completely skewed notion of what he actually wants. I reckon if this dude got together with a 6 or a 7 he would be delighted with her, but he is afraid his mates will not be impressed. Pathetic.

    And as for him being highly intelligent...

  18. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to DamoEI For This Useful Post:

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  19. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by TheFalcon View Post
    ....I post on another form...

    Myself and the other posters are finding it difficult to provide him with any inspiration--

    What's the other forum?

    I'd like to join, and I have lots of good advice
    And maybe someone there might actually like me
    PM me if you can't post it here

    Meanwhile tell him to read "The Game" by Neil Strauss. It's well past its sell by date but useful in a way. Not a 'how to' book but about 10% of the advice in it will be useful to him in the 'fake it till you make it' in terms of confidence and charisma that Dieve advocates, and I agree with her.
    The other 90% may also be valuable in showing how shallow and miserable that whole pick up artist lifestyle is.

    Read 'Models' by Mark Manson. It is more of a 'how to'* book, very useful but could as much be a how to on how to be a good man, as much as it is about how to pick up models.

    Listen to Sadia Khan. She has a good take on what modern women are like and what they seek

    Tell him to get his own life going, do things he is passionate about himself instead of seeking approval or envy from others. Passion is very attractive.

    So now, what's that other forum?

  20. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to AngelsFan For This Useful Post:

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