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Thread: Disappointed in You Guys

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Apollo1 View Post
    What a load of horse shit, i cant believe u just said what u did above,so because people dont sign a petition which might not even make any sort of difference as regards government policy towards escorts working in pairs your saying it will be our fault if another escort gets attacked by some pyscho

    Maybe if you are creating posts like the one above perhaps you shouldnt be escorting if you think its so dangerous....
    She off course is not saying you or anyone else is personally responsible for the actions of another but she is right that people who if they truly care about the safety of those they meet they would sign it regardless of them seeing it as pointless. All change starts somewhere. Obama would not be President if one woman had not refused to give up her seat on a bus, so butterflies can sometimes cause hurricanes further down the line.

    No law ever changes itself, it sits there immobile and unyielding until something happens to show just how much an ass that law really is. This situation with the two women arrested shows just how absurd this particular law is and even if this petition is pointless it adds to the body of evidence that may lead in time to this law being changed.
    Last edited by Quarterpoundher; 14-02-10 at 16:38.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    She off course is not saying you or anyone else is personally responsible for the actions of another but she is right that people who if they truly care about the safety of those they meet they would sign it regardless of them seeing it as pointless. All change starts somewhere. Obama would not be President if one woman had not refused to give up her seat on a bus, so butterflies can sometimes cause hurricanes further down the line.

    No law ever changes itself, it sits there immobile and unyielding until something happens to show just how much an ass that law really is. This situation with the two women arrested shows just how absurd this particular law is and even if this petition is pointless it adds to the body of evidence that may lead in time to this law being changed.
    I didnt say the petition was pointless i said it might not make any sort of difference...
    But if this petition cares so much about the ladies working in pairs for their own safety why does this site still let "agencies" advertise on this site that are almost certainly run by the lowest of the low pimps and also let other girls advertise on this site as independents who are almost certainly part of these agencies.I think if this site refused this sort of advertising and instead only let true independents advertise on this site i think it would make all the difference as regards people signing this petition in the first place....

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Apollo1 View Post
    But if this petition cares so much about the ladies working in pairs for their own safety why does this site still let "agencies" advertise on this site that are almost certainly run by the lowest of the low pimps and also let other girls advertise on this site as independents who are almost certainly part of these agencies.I think if this site refused this sort of advertising and instead only let true independents advertise on this site i think it would make all the difference as regards people signing this petition in the first place....
    We are constantly working hard against pimps etc. You don't always see it, because not everything we do is up for public debate here, but I'm telling you we are.

    Regards not letting agencies advertise. The problem isn't agencies. There is nothing wrong with agencies as such, having an agent take care of your advertising and bookings for a fee is what suits some ladies best, especially ones who only work very part time.

    Also we do a lot of work investigating pimps behind the scenes here and my personal experience is that the worst ones never advertise as agencies anyway. They always pretend to be independents.

    So, in short, I don't think saying no agencies can advertise here would help anything.

    It's going OT so I won't say it, but I actually have something to announce which I haven't said yet re this issue that was decided at some talks we had last week, but I will do later today.

  4. #4
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    Its been explained a few times now, anyone worried about privacy has only to create a once of e-mail address on yahoo or gmail or others and put in a made up name, then confirm the pm you will get to that once of email address. That's it and job done and you never have to even use that address ever again for any reason. You will have done your bit and be able to look the next Escort you see who is on her own and probably on her own due to a stupid and long out of step law with or more violent times in the eye and know you at least tried.

    If nothing else please do it for that reason...
    Last edited by Quarterpoundher; 14-02-10 at 16:24.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    Its been explained a few times now, anyone worried about privacy has only to create a once of e-mail address on yahoo or gmail or others and put in a made up name, then confirm the pm you will get to that once of email address.

    I have signed the petition using my real name and email address.

    But in the above quote , you can see why unfortunately the people that matter dont take online polls seriously . They are too easily manipulated , ie i could sign it 10 times in five minutes .

    Anyways keep up the good work , i hope it does some good

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Czarcasm View Post
    I have signed the petition using my real name and email address.

    But in the above quote , you can see why unfortunately the people that matter dont take online polls seriously . They are too easily manipulated , ie i could sign it 10 times in five minutes .

    Anyways keep up the good work , i hope it does some good
    You could sign a paper petition 10 times also if you wanted to on the street. It does not make an online petition any more or any less valid then the old fashioned way. How many elections have been won by manipulating the results even when people vote with paper?

    The mightiest nation on earth was gifted to an unworthy winner based on a few chads. We have two wars going on because of that little thing. So nothing is perfect when it comes to any form of mass protest or mass voting either with paper or with electronic means.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    You could sign a paper petition 10 times also if you wanted to on the street. It does not make an online petition any more or any less valid then the old fashioned way. How many elections have been won by manipulating the results even when people vote with paper?

    The mightiest nation on earth was gifted to an unworthy winner based on a few chads. We have two wars going on because of that little thing. So nothing is perfect when it comes to any form of mass protest or mass voting either with paper or with electronic means.
    No, you couldn't. You have people's names and addresses. You have their signatures. You have accountability.

    Maybe for a few signatures you could do it and get away with it, but not for many. It's a big risk for throwing the entire petition's credibility into question for only a small percentage of extra signatures. With an online petition, anyone can throw hundreds of hotmail addresses on it. Putting down your supposed name is one thing, but putting down a name and it's not even yours? Come on, get real.

  8. #8


    I wasnt criticising the petition here in fact i think its a good thing , i merely pointing out the stigma attached to online petitions as viewed by those that matter .
    I recall many years ago a young irish footballer being voted juve player of the year eventhough he never kicked a ball for first team

  9. #9

    Santa do you really mean what you said !

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post

    I find myself quite disappointed in the users of this website this weekend. Not everyone of course, I know there are lots of decent people here, but generally disappointed.

    It is always the way that we work really hard to try to make this website the best and a lot of people don't recognise that at all and are totally critical. I mean issues like reviews, it is generally all complaints and no recognition of all the hard work we are constantly putting in, but hey that's always the way around here and it has it's upsides, all the complainers do drive us to be constantly working to improve things, so it has it's advantages, and you guys are the customer and we are the service provider, so I think this is fair enough all in all.

    But, firstly the PETITION...

    It wasn't actually my idea, it was another girl in here's idea, but I supported it and said yes, lets do a petition, lets try to get the government to see that this prosecuting of independent escorts with our brothel laws that is going on now is really not right and it is putting escorts in danger.

    Here at E-I, all of us, from the advertising staff on the phone to the people in IT, to me, hear about attacks on escorts all too often, we are very aware of the dangers and all too concerningly that, due to the current legal situation, many escorts now don't even feel able to report attacks, so the people committing these crimes are largely getting away with it and continuing on to keep doing it. It's a serious issue. I am upset to see what is going on here, all of the staff at E-I are.

    I certainly thought this petition was worth a try. I didn't expect widespread support from the general public, it's always hard to get support from the public about prostitution issues. I didn't expect that many signatures from escorts, because as you all know, not that many escorts are active on these message boards, it is far more clients that come on here than ladies, due to many issues, not least that English isn't most escorts' first language. I didn't expect that much support from journalists because you can never count on support there. But I expected some support from you guys.

    Whenever the press ask us for comments about clients, I am always defending clients, explaining that you guys are decent people, not abusers of women or whatever Ruhama etc might like to imply, but proper ordinary good guys by in large, men who care about escorts as well as enjoy escort services and will actually be the first people to help escorts if they need it, the last people that would want this industry in a bad state where women are being mistreated etc.

    I've just looked at the petition. Basically 60 journalists that would have been sent cards signed, 10 escorts signed and 10 clients signed. That's how it looks. Yet I know from our traffic statistics that at least 10,000 clients have already seen this petition. So what it is? Do clients all disagree, is that it? Do clients not want escorts to be able to work in pairs for safety? Do clients think it is fair enough that police resources that could be directed at pimps and traffickers are now being directed at independent escorts? Are clients unconcerned that the current situation is that many escorts that are attacked feel unable to go to the authorities? Or it is that clients couldn't be bothered to sign as there is nothing in it for them? I'm afraid I'm thinking the latter might be the closest to the truth in most cases and I am disappointed.

    *Removed by patricia. Until further notice no mention is to be made here of this issue.*

    Well, that's this off my chest! Thank you to the 10 clients who did sign the petition and those of you that don't dedicate your time here to stirring up any shit whenever you possibly can without any regard for the consequences of your actions.

    Myself I'm going to keep doing what I've always tried to do here and run a good website that is fair to clients and escorts and well-run, responsibly run, tries to play a positive role in this industry. If you have nothing better to do here that stir shit, expect to be banned soon.

    Pat x

    I have sex with numerous escorts that love and adore me. They call me when they don't have anything to do, NOT BECOUSE WHO I AM IN IRELAND NO NO NO . and they love the way I show my affection (large tipper with a large penis). These wonderful women understand that some men do not want a girl friend, like variety, and love paying for sex. I have all of these propensities and I am proud to be one of the few people in this world that call it as it is.

    The world is filled with terrible things. Prostitution is not the worst.

    At the end of the day most women who sell their body could be doing something else. Sure, there are some bad cases, but most of these women want a larger paycheck then they would settle for with a minimum wage job (minimum wage will not feed more than one mouth).

    What about the hunger problem in this world? I bet even if those who were in serious need for food wanted to have sex for nourishment they couldn't. What about the violence, genocide, and peddled death?

    If a women makes herself available to me for money I do not feel bad. She has made a choice to do something for money and I have made a choice to get a blow job with a condom on.

    All due respect, but the self loathing tone is not pleasant. You should be honored that you were able to have so many different life experiences. Maybe you will take your mistakes and not let your daughter repeat them. Maybe you will reach out of your family circle and touch a miscellaneous life. I donate nearly every week to charity. Do you?

    Yes, in a perfect world there would be no prostitution. In a perfect world there would be no hunger, pain, suffering, and violence. Today we do not live in a perfect world and that is where the beauty lies. Life's imperfections make us perfect as god meant for us to be flawed. Those mistakes create our quest for self improvement and promote an understanding of our need to care for one

  10. #10

    Santa Pat

    Quote Originally Posted by frank1970 View Post

    i have sex with numerous escorts that love and adore me. they call me when they don't have anything to do, not becouse who i am in ireland no no no . and they love the way i show my affection (large tipper with a large penis). These wonderful women understand that some men do not want a girl friend, like variety, and love paying for sex. I have all of these propensities and i am proud to be one of the few people in this world that call it as it is.

    the world is filled with terrible things. Prostitution is not the worst.

    At the end of the day most women who sell their body could be doing something else. Sure, there are some bad cases, but most of these women want a larger paycheck then they would settle for with a minimum wage job (minimum wage will not feed more than one mouth).

    What about the hunger problem in this world? I bet even if those who were in serious need for food wanted to have sex for nourishment they couldn't. What about the violence, genocide, and peddled death?

    If a women makes herself available to me for money i do not feel bad. She has made a choice to do something for money and i have made a choice to get a blow job with a condom on.

    All due respect, but the self loathing tone is not pleasant. You should be honored that you were able to have so many different life experiences. Maybe you will take your mistakes and not let your daughter repeat them. Maybe you will reach out of your family circle and touch a miscellaneous life. I donate nearly every week to charity. Do you?

    Yes, in a perfect world there would be no prostitution. In a perfect world there would be no hunger, pain, suffering, and violence. Today we do not live in a perfect world and that is where the beauty lies. Life's imperfections make us perfect as god meant for us to be flawed. Those mistakes create our quest for self improvement and promote an understanding of our need to care for one
    i forgot to ask you pat where,s all good escort gon? Why and where they gon?
    Can you be fair and honest with all those girls? Can you can you pat.........

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