Quote Originally Posted by whiteknight111 View Post
Getting well beaten, I was expecting a landslide in the opposite direction
Is the vote rigged for E-I?
As stalin said "its not the voting but the counting that counts"
Who voted for Putin? I see the F.S.B. has an operative in E-I Putin has a claw in every pie.

Heres my view point

1: Urine and Faces have nothing to do with sex
2: Anyone who is sexually turned on by body waste is seriously mentally ill
3: Its disrespecftul and wrong to womenfolk to ask for
this "service"
4: Shame on E-I for allowing the advertisment of this
5: I blame Elvis for starting all this.

There I said it.
The results of this poll make my soul sad
YouTube - Eleanor McEvoy - only a woman's heart
I bet you an escort spitting in your mouth, spitting not shitting, whatever happened to good old sexual intercourse.