Quote Originally Posted by EnglishTaylor View Post
Awww thankyou Mr. fussy & Whenlovecomestotown. I messaged them to say i wanted it ratted & it got ratted, however it does clearly break the rule, so cnt understand y its up there anyway, ive not had no reply from any of the review moderators, not even a reply back to the PM i sent, seems im being ignored completeley, Im just not important, neither is my business, nor that i pay £90/wk. xxxx
Your issue is being discussed and not being ignored. The reviewer says sometime last year which if December puts him within 3 month rule but I feel the rule about stating a time over rides that and he puts a date in 2010 for that which contradicts what he says in review but I am not the deciding mod but that is my opinion and stated it in said discussion.