Quote Originally Posted by anon361 View Post
I was just looking at this escorts reviews and I was thinking to myself they all look suspicious, not one mentions her pictures or how she looks yet they are marked as not -verified, funny enough after reading them all, the only one that seems plausible is the one that has been ratted.

Anyway it got me thinking, should this review by a Banned user (fantasist) with no apparent message board history bar 1 post be allowed to stay un-ratted. How can it be considered genuine if he is not?? Obviously there is something about him that has got him banned as his only post is to wish a Happy Crimbo..

Maybe the mods can explain this one
I just checked and fantasist was banned for requesting bareback in client request section or to be exact requesting AWO on the 26.12.09.

The conclusion we arrived at is that banned users should not have reviews deleted except in exceptional circumstances and in fact something that will have to be done at some point is to re activate reviews that were deleted by the previous reviews administration as at the moment we have the situation that reviews were deleted by someone who himself is banned but his reviews are not deleted. So it needs to be one rule for all banned users.

Banned users with badges is a whole different ball game.