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Thread: Low and behold

  1. #51
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    Default What constitution?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doozer View Post
    Err we are a nation of bitchers and begrudgers

    Did you not read or constitution?
    thats only a word made up by politicians to make us feel like our voice is a worthy one.

    like democracy,

  2. #52
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    Ah Westie,

    The etenal cynic
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  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Westsidex View Post
    im a new conservative guarding the future,

    Good one babe. Its sooooo true.
    Escort of the Month and E-I Interview Blogs;

  4. #54
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    Default Yes im very cynical of muslims

    Quote Originally Posted by Doozer View Post
    Ah Westie,

    The etenal cynic
    based on their history ,not mine. Im cynical of the catholic church too but unfortunately your stuck with them.

    not me,

  5. #55
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    No one is stuck with anything West. The man on the big white hat has no bareing on the way I live my life. His true meaning was but created and corrupted by man. He is afterall just a mere mortal like the rest of us, and like the rest of us he cannot grasp the divine nature of God and his divine plan.
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  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by RicFlair View Post
    Well I believe that picture is from the renaissance and was painted by a White guy. As there were no Turkish renaissance style painters. So really that’s propaganda from the time. Much like the way most of our Jesus pics are from the same period of him depicted as a White guy.

    Now don't get me wrong I'm not a supporter of Shria law AT ALL. But at the same time I agree with new blood and cultures entering our lands. For a start they have hot looking ladies. The problem is we can't see them through their Burka's.

    My honest to God opinion is that crazies belong in Crazytown and sadly we have a paralysed immigration service. Ireland especially Dublin is known as a great stop-over and hide-out spot for Al Qaeda. However this terrorist community doesn't want to rock the boat in Ireland. We're not in any risk of a terrorist attack. But we do provide a great place for them to hide and plot. I know this because I have sources from within the government that feed me the odd tale from time to time. So I more than understand Whiteknights fears. However I love new things, new beginnings and new cultures.

    At the end of the day we can't stop a social change if it’s going to happen. But I believe that it won't happen. At least not here in Ireland.
    RicFlair in response to your eralier point.

    The picture of the Slave Bazaar is
    The Slave Market (c. 1884), painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme.
    heres the wiki article on Arab slave trade
    Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The trade continues to this very day from Dubai to London see link.
    Police News - The Modern 'British' Slave Trade

    your "immigration polices" beggar belief

    Regarding our potental as a target. Shannon airport is essentially
    A major USA military Transport hub. I read somewhere correct me If I am wrong
    that the majority of US troops deployed to iraq transit thru there.
    Insurgents will strike where they previce a weak link.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doozer View Post
    How do you steal a City? Anyway Turkey only became a state in 1922 so technically a Turk couldnt have stolen anything. Whats with all the anti Turk and anti Muslim posts going on here Whiteknight? It was named after Constantine, ( a Serb) Emperor of Europe, who funnily enough before his conversian to Christianity loved nothing more than persecuting and excecuting Christians
    Just getting back to pure Islam for a second. It does not say kill Christians or Jews. Both are belivers in the one true God (Yaweah, Adonai Allah) They live by a code of ethics much like we do. Its is part of their faith to practice the Zakat, giving 1/3 of their excess wealth to other less fortunate muslims. How many of us do the same thing?

    You steal a city the same way you steal a apple by taking it
    Yes Turkey was formed in 1922 but the Ottoman turk empire was there before that since 1299
    founded by A turkic people i.e. turks.
    I am against the mass immirgration of muslims into western Europe as
    it is bad for europeans if you think its good please respond with a counter-argument.

    No-one here said that is says in Koran to kill unbelievers. However
    The fact is that conflict erupts nearly everywhere the religions mix.
    What it does or does say in the pure islam is irrelvant the facts on the ground speak for themsevles.
    Last edited by whiteknight111; 11-02-10 at 13:36.

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteknight111 View Post

    You steal a city the same way you steal a apple by taking it
    Yes Turkey was formed in 1922 but the Ottoman turk empire was there before that since 1299
    founded by A turkic people i.e. turks.
    I am against the mass immirgration of muslims into western Europe as
    it is bad for europeans if you think its good please respond with a counter-argument.

    No-one here said that is says in Koran to kill unbelievers. However
    The fact is that conflict erupts nearly everywhere the religions mix.
    What it does or does say in the pure islam is irrelvant the facts on the ground speak for themsevles.
    Ok the whole steal a city thing was a joke, since it was theirs to begin with. More of a re occupation, anyway.

    Why is the mass immigratoin of muslims into Europe a bad idea. Look at London where various ethnic groups live and have on the majority succesfully intergrated into society. I am not talking about fundementalists, just your normal everyday Muslims. They have contributed positivly to society. Mixing their own practices and cultures with those of the west. This cannot be
    a bad thing.

    Conflicts arise where ever comflicting religeons meet. Think about the denominations of Christianty that have had wars in the past. Different Jewish factions clash also as do different Islamic factions.
    True believers in most religeons absolutly condemn violence even against those that disagree with their ideology. The Judiac Christian Islamic religeon are belief systems promoting peace and worshipping of the one true God, But as with most religeons there are always a few who believe they are right and everyone else is wrong and that is where the violence occurs.

    Look back at Christians conquring foreign lands and you will see that we are just as bloodthirsty as any other.

    Inregration is a good thing, not only do we or will we have a greater understanding of cultures and ideals beyond our own,m we wil also grow more tolerant of others.

    Once we have become more tolerant then we can by pass the faction fueding and carry on living in a more peaceful/tolerant soceity and concentrate on the real evils of the world
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  9. #59
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    Re: city
    You don't have a clue about history of that place I afraid I assume this is a just a wind up

    Re: Intergration + postive contributions
    I suggest you take a bus tour of the cities in England, France and Germany etc
    i.e. Bradford be a good place to start.
    and take a look at the muslim non-intergrated ghettos. The Majority of muslims
    even 2nd and third generation have not-intergrated.
    I think its debateable that muslims have made a postive contribation to Europe.
    1:General Crime
    2:Sexual Crime Against European women A very real FACT that cann't be glossed over
    The stats are largely hidden by politcal correct Police and Media in name of Social cohesion
    3:Terror Attacks How soon before an Arab operative gets a job in a nuclear power plant
    one was caught recently working at the Large Hadron Collider
    4:Lack of social cohesion
    5:Lack of intergration
    6:econmic cost, Widespread Fraud and social welfare dependents
    7:Possible Civil war.
    8: Displacement of European popualtion
    9:Your quality of life and standard of living.
    The sheer size and scale of Muslim Immigration is nothing short of an invasion
    Islam is already the fastest-growing religion in Europe. Driven by immigration and high
    birthrates, the number of Muslims on the continent has tripled in the last 30 years. Most
    demographers forecast a similar or even higher rate of growth in the coming decades.
    When does it end?

    Re:religion + combat
    Exactly Mass immigration = Civil War = Social conflict sooner or later.

    Why do we have to be tolerant by allowing Mass muslim immigration into your
    countries and your displacement. Can We not tolerant of them overthere.
    I am tolerant of Koreans.
    The fundamnently question is Is Massive muslim immigration into European
    Good for Us and your Kids Future
    ??????????? the answer is no
    We would Far better off Keeping Europe largely European.
    Its not racism its common sense.

    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtures of a dying society" Aristotle

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteknight111 View Post
    Re: city
    You don't have a clue about history of that place I afraid I assume this is a just a wind up

    Re: Intergration + postive contributions
    I suggest you take a bus tour of the cities in England, France and Germany etc
    i.e. Bradford be a good place to start.
    and take a look at the muslim non-intergrated ghettos. The Majority of muslims
    even 2nd and third generation have not-intergrated.
    The same could be said about Irish population in America dosnt mean that eventually intergration wont happen
    I think its debateable that muslims have made a postive contribation to Europe.
    1:General Crime
    2:Sexual Crime Against European women A very real FACT that cann't be glossed over
    The stats are largely hidden by politcal correct Police and Media in name of Social cohesion
    Sex crimes are not all commited by Muslims
    3:Terror Attacks How soon before an Arab operative gets a job in a nuclear power plant
    one was caught recently working at the Large Hadron Collider
    All Muslims are terrorists just the fanatical ones
    4:Lack of social cohesion
    5:Lack of intergration
    Not true I have known many Muslims who have integrated sucesfully
    6:econmic cost, Widespread Fraud and social welfare dependents
    Again not confined to Muslims, many people take part in these scams even the Irish themselves
    7:Possible Civil war.
    8: Displacement of European popualtion
    9:Your quality of life and standard of living.
    The sheer size and scale of Muslim Immigration is nothing short of an invasion
    Islam is already the fastest-growing religion in Europe. Driven by immigration and high
    birthrates, the number of Muslims on the continent has tripled in the last 30 years. Most
    demographers forecast a similar or even higher rate of growth in the coming decades.
    When does it end?

    Islam is the fastest growing religion. Again the same was said of the Irish when we were abroad trying to integrate into society and make a better life for ourselves
    I never claimed to have an intimate kowledge of either the Ottoman Empire or Turkish history.
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