
My 3 suggestions for improving reviews which I think
can be done quickly

1: New symbol
Two many fraudelent reviews are not flagged or only
flagged by a comment in review
A new symbol in addition to rat symbol ,QUESTION MARK,
RAT symbol for known or highly likely fraud
Question mark for suspected fraud or new reviewer
for example Look at Scarlets in cork last review by peeler
Its ovbious fraud although you can't prove it.
Should have a question mark symbol against it.

2: Increase colour code
The current system of just postive and negative is too restrictiie

rating......................... current ................new
Very sastfied.................. green ................ green
Fairly Satisfied................. green ............... blue
n/a ................................ grey ................ grey
Fairly dis-Satisfied ..........red ...................yellow
Very dis-sastfied...............red ................ red

3: Establsied reviewers 3 levels of badge
Gold = 50 posts 75 reviews
Sliver= 25 posts 50 reviews
Bronze = 15 posts 25 reviews
Reviewer to be checked somehow before badge issued
trusted reviewer is changed to established reviwer