Tomorrow evening i am traveling for my second round of chemo due in friday ! Sadly , i will be traveling alone this time as my spouse needs to be at work . Wish be good luck on Friday guys ! ❤️
Funds for double surgery are still needed .

Many of you asked how to donate anonimously So now you can
Link is : ❤️

Please share it with your friends and collegues
For other type of donations :
REVOLUT tag is @love96 or +40737771946 ❤️
PayPal is ❤️

New ways of donating :
For the £ holders ❤️
Account no: 75553732
Sort code : 04-00-75
Name: Teodora-Maria Popescu

For the € holders ❤️
IBAN : LT783250006596116132
Name : Teodora-Maria Popescu

If you can t donate please share this with your colleagues , helps just as much