The verified photos system is a joke, of my last 5 visits to escorts, 1 was genuine (Elle), 2 reviews were lost (and girls have subsequently left), 1 review, girl still has verified photos yet the girl I met was not her, and today, after my meeting, the girl changes her photos yet they are still not a fair representation. (but awaiting verification). I travelled out of my way this afternoon, based on verified photos and reviews, arrived at the location on the profile, and even this was not accurate. WTF is going on here, how difficult is it to introduce a system to verify a photo?

There is even 1 girl with unverified photos (who has opted out of reviews) changes them almost daily (to the same ones) so that they come up as 'Photos awaiting Verification' for a few hours...joke...I won't start about the review system and the ever impending overhaul yet

Todays girl that I visited: at 5.30ish, photos have been updated at 19:48pm-

Samira, Dublin Female Independent Escort, profile on Escort Ireland

Girl who changes photos (but not really) almost daily....

Vanessa, Dublin Female Independent Escort, profile on Escort Ireland